You're Not a Penny Pincher... You're a Recessionista!

Saving money never goes out of style

"Recessionista" has been receiving a ton of media buzz with the ongoing economic crisis.  Along with the words "chiconomics" and "Michelle Obama", recessionista was named a top fashion buzz words for fall/winter by the Global Language Monitor.  According to a New York Times article, "recessionista reflects efforts of fashion and beauty publicists to spin economic turndown as an attractive retail trend."

But...Being a Recessionista is a Good Thing!

No matter what the state of the economy, saving money has never gone out of style.  This is something DBC customers have known for years! To be a beauty recessionista, you need three things:
  1. Multipurpose products that make you feel & look beautiful
  2. A few simple tools for at home beauty tricks
  3. A source for high quality products at low prices

Buy Beauty Products with More than One Use

It makes sense to spend a little extra money on products that have a several purposes.  The savvy recessionista knows that the more uses she can get out of one product, the better the investment.  For example, Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips have actually been designed to be used as a bronzer, blush, and eye shadow!

The Benefits of a Salon... Closer to Home

Who doesn't love going to get their nails done by a professional?  But, the average manicure can cost anywhere from $10 - $40 (and sometimes even more depending on where you go!)  Even spending $10 every two weeks adds up!  Why not try a DIY manicure instead?  The Kingsley seven piece manicure set is currently only $5.99 at DBC and includes all the tools you need for an at home mani.

Champagne Quality Products... For Sparkling Wine Prices!

Who says you have to give up your favorite beauty products? DiscountBeautyCenter has all your favorite products, at affordable prices!

More Recessionista Tips

How Do You Do It?

Already a proud beauty recessionista?  Care to share with the rest of the class? What do you to stay save money and look good year round? Let us know!  Leave a comment below.
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